Angaraka Dosha

Angarak Yog is said to form in a horoscope due to a combination of Mars and Rahu in the horoscope and Angarak Yog is associated with bad or very bad results by many Vedic astrologers. According to its definition prevalent in Vedic astrology, if Rahu forms a relationship with Mars in a horoscope, either due to placement or due to aspect, Angarak Yog is said to be formed in the horoscope which means that if Rahu and Mars are placed in the same house of horoscope or if Rahu and Mars are having mutual aspect on each other, Angarak Yog is said to be formed in the horoscope.

Many Vedic astrologers believe that the presence of Angarak Yog in a horoscope can make the native very aggressive, violent and negative, and the formation of this yog in the horoscope leads to disputes of the native with his friends, brothers and other relatives. Some astrologers believe that the presence of Angarak Yog in a horoscope can create criminal tendencies in a native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this yog are likely to engage in criminal activities or criminal professions and some of these natives may have to go to jail for a long period of time due to malefic effects of Angarak Yog.

However, it should be noted that the bad results associated with Angarak Yog will show up only if both Rahu and Mars involved in the formation of such Angarak Yog are malefic in the horoscope or if Rahu involved in such combination is negative whereas in cases, where both Rahu and Mars involved in the formation of Angarak Yog are working positively in the horoscope, no bad results for Angarak Yog will show up and instead good or very good results for such benefic Mars-Rahu combination will show up.

For example, the presence of malefic Mars and malefic Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can lead to the formation of Angarak Yog with malefic effects and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of such Angaark Yog are likely to engage in violence and such natives can also turn criminals like murderers, assassins, arms dealers, terrorists, mafia people and other such people who have direct connection with one kind of violence or the other.

On the other hand if benefic Mars is present in third house of a horoscope along with benefic Rahu, Angarak Yog with benefic results will be formed in the horoscope and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic Angarak Yog are likely to be brave warriors of their time, who will engage in fights and wars, only for the benefit of their society, country or the world. Such natives can be seen practicing as top class army officers, top class police officers, war heads, people dealing in internal or external defense of their countries and other such people who have control over their aggression and who use it only when it is required as per the situation.

I have seen the horoscopes of many of my clients who have Angarak Yog in their horoscopes according to the prevalent definition of this yog and most of them are getting different results from this yog depending on the nature, strength and placement of Mars and Rahu in their horoscopes and depending on the overall nature of their horoscopes. As already mentioned above, Angarak Yog formed due to a combination of Malefic Mars and Malefic Rahu is of the worst kind and it can give bad or very bad results depending on the overall horoscope of the native.

Angarak Yog formed due to a combination of benefic Mars and malefic Rahu will also show negative effects but these effects will not be as bad as in the first case and if Mars is strong in a horoscope, such Angarak Yog is likely to cause even less damage in this case. For example, the formation of Angarak Yog due to the presence of a benefic Mars and malefic Rahu in Aries or Capricorn is comparatively less damaging than the formation of Angarak yog due to the presence of benefic Mars and malefic Rahu in Cancer, Gemini or Virgo. This is because Mars is debilitated in Cancer and it doesn’t have much strength in Gemini and Virgo also.

Angarak Yog formed due to a combination of benefic Mars and benefic Rahu in a horoscope will not give any bad effects and on the contrary, such yog is likely to give very good results to the native and it can bless the native under its strong influence with bravery, courage, name and fame on high level. Angarak Yog formed due to a combination of malefic Mars and benefic Rahu in a horoscope will give altogether different type of results depending on the strength and placement of such Mars and Rahu in the horoscope.

For example, Angarak yog formed in 6th house of a horoscope due to malefic Mars and benefic Rahu is not likely to make the native violent or criminal but such Angarak Yog can trouble the native on account of serious diseases which may include serious skin diseases, tumors, cancer, blood related diseases and such Angarak Yog can also trouble the native on account of financial problems and sudden losses.

Hence the formation of Angarak yog in a horoscope can give various kinds of good or bad results to the native, which depend on the nature, strength and placement of Mars and Rahu in his horoscope, as well as on the overall nature of the horoscope. Therefore a thorough analysis of the horoscope should be conducted before predicting the results of Angarak Yog in a horoscope as this yog is capable of producing some of the bravest and mightiest men on earth who will fight only for a just cause